Monday, February 25, 2008

Mind the Gap

In the most recent issue of NEA Today, there is an article entitled, Mind the Gap, which is an article about the very discrepancy we've been discussing between our students who have computers and access to the internet, and those who don't. While the things we are learning in this class are applicable in the classroom, I can't help but think of the 50% of our students who are being left further behind each day as technology continues to develop. It makes me want to really focus on how we can get these resources to our students who are on the losing end of this explosion in technology. I have some ideas about how we could help/like donations of computers from businesses who are upgrading-but I have no idea where we could get funding to support 'wiring' our students throughout the city. Does anyone else see this as an increasing difficulty in educationg our students?

1 comment:

Janet Knoll said...

As I read this at my desk here in the library, a student is struggling to write and access a paper for a class. It's not that she can't write it; it's that she did it at home on a PC, saved it to a flash drive, and then could only read it from the one PC that I have here. Which was already in use! We set her up with a Google Documents account, after which she told us that she doesn't have the Internet at home. So that's of no use to her. This is a student who's working hard but being stopped in her tracks by a variety of technological issues. The gap, for her, is very real.